'Ver para Crecer' retoma sus acciones presenciales en 2023

‘Ver para Crecer’ to resume its face-to-face actions in 2023

The ‘Ver para Crecer’ project relies on the cooperation experience of the Cione Ruta de la Luz Foundation and the technological capacity of the entities that collaborate with it. Its objective is to check the sight of people without resources or in vulnerable situations in Spain, supporting local organizations that work with these groups, and provide free new prescription glasses adapted to their tastes and needs to all those who require them.

Since its creation in May 2015, eight years ago, ‘Ver para Crecer’ has reviewed the sight of 3,150 people in twenty-eight optical missions in the field and delivered 2,100 prescription glasses to beneficiaries of organizations such as Aldeas Infanitiles SOS, Fundación Tomillo, Mensajeros de la Paz, Fundación Xilema and Comedor Solidario Paris 365, REMAR, Fundación Atenea, Sant Joan de Déu, Fundación Jesús Abandonado, Nazaret, Entidades del Programa CaixaProinfancia, Cruz Roja, ADUNARE, and CEAR.

During the pandemic, ‘Ver para Crecer’ never stopped working. It simply adjusted the size of its actions, making them individual and by appointment only. With this move, it resumes its face-to-face projects, which will continue throughout 2023.

On Tuesday, June 6th, again in collaboration with the CaixaProinfancia program, volunteer optometrists from the Cione Ruta de la Luz Foundation will deploy the necessary equipment to examine the sight of 150 vulnerable people, mainly children, at the Consejo General de la Juventud, on Godella Street, 116, in Villaverde, Madrid. As in all projects, all those who need glasses will receive new ones made to their exact specifications, completely free of cost.

The six entities of the CaixaProinfancia program in the Sur de Madrid territory, such as Education, Culture and Solidarity; Fundación Tomillo; Alucinos La Salle; Acais; Caritas Madrid; and Fundación Secretariado Gitano, have been responsible for selecting the families that have visual problems and benefit from this charity event.

This action is in line with the Caixaproinfancia program to combat child poverty, which seeks to support the basic skills of every participating child, improve study habits, promote autonomy in learning, increase expectations of success, and encourage academic achievement or school performance.

The Association of Magna Myopia with Retinopathies (AMIR) will also participate in this activity. Its primary objective is to make magna myopia (more than 6 diopters) no longer the leading cause of legal blindness in Spain. Among its lines of action is the early detection of visual problems, mainly those associated with myopia, working with the child population and paying special attention to vulnerable people. For this, they provide optical corrections in collaborations with other entities, such as Fundación Ruta de la Luz, on this occasion.

Keywords: amires, association of magna myopia with retinopathies, council of youth, cione ruta de la luz foundation, ruta de la luz foundation, volunteer optometrists, caixaproinfancia program, Ver para crecer.

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