FlashLED en el MWC: "España es idónea para apostar por la digitalización de las carreteras"

Xavier Meseguer, CEO of KPS Group, the parent company of FlashLED, and Begoña Goicoechea Luis, Director of SME Sales at Telefónica, spoke at a conference in the Agora of the MWC about the current situation in Spain in terms of innovation and future business possibilities. They highlighted the potential for digital transformation and the favorable context for SMEs thanks to European aid and collaboration with large companies like Telefónica, which enable the growth of the Spanish business sector. Meseguer claimed that Spain is in a privileged position to lead digital transformation in Europe, with its strategic geographical location, high connectivity levels, and large number of innovative companies in the technology sector. FlashLED, a Spanish brand that designs and manufactures its products in the country, presented its first connected V16 beacon, FlashLED SOS V16, a device that emits a visible yellow light at least 1 kilometer away and marks the beginning of the digital transformation of Spanish roads. Its connectivity and connection with the DGT 3.0 platform aim to increase safety and facilitate assistance to those involved in an incident and more effectively warn road users. The General Vehicle Regulations have set January 1, 2026, as the date on which this type of beacon will be mandatory, replacing the usual triangles. FlashLED will offer connectivity services coverage from the purchase of the device until 2038, in collaboration with Telefónica Tech.

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