Verdissimo Consciente: iniciativas de impacto ambiental y social

Verdissimo, a socially responsible company, is working towards transforming industrial production to become cleaner, more environmentally friendly, and to respect the labor and human rights of each worker. The company’s initiative, Verdissimo Consciente, summarizes multiple actions that companies can take to effectively transform production. These include generating clean, renewable energy, reducing plastic in containers and packaging, and reducing CO2 emissions. The use of electric vehicles is emerging as a planet-friendly mobility alternative. Verdissimo Consciente is a program that collects structural, technological, and behavioral transformations that make an impact on nature and society in the short, medium, and long term. The UN’s sustainable development goals provide a framework for the company’s sustainable development agenda. Verdissimo’s contribution to the world is a collection of their resolutions to care for the environment and is a showcase of their significant, conclusive, and effective decisions toward even cleaner production. The company aims to preserve nature and its ecosystems for just beyond the present moment. Verdissimo Consciente is an investment in conserving a healthy and sustainable earth for future generations.

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