Unidas Podemos Albacete apuesta por salas de conciertos cubiertas como parte de su compromiso con la sostenibilidad, igualdad y cultura.

Sostenibilidad, igualdad y cultura, ejes de Unidas Podemos Albacete, que propone salas de conciertos cubiertas

Nieves Navarro, the candidate of Unidas Podemos for the Albacete City Council, has outlined policies of sustainability, equality, culture, and transparency as the main pillars of her campaign for the upcoming municipal elections. In an interview with Europa Press, Navarro emphasised the importance of sustainability, stating that it should be present in all municipal policies. She criticised a model of city that promotes «hard cement squares» and called for alternatives that consider trees and green areas.

Navarro also highlighted the cultural activities that have been organised so far, such as outdoor cultural events, Abycine, Albacete as a City of Literature, and Poetry. She called for these events to be continuous and ingrained in the city’s identity. Navarro expressed her desire to increase the visibility of Albacete outside of its famous fair and to make culture an essential motor of the city.

Unidas Podemos wants to establish the Municipal Council of Culture, which will give voice to the city’s artists and help identify the cultural needs of Albacete. Additionally, she called for the establishment of an indoor concert venue for rainy or cold weather and the expansion of similar spaces in bars or local establishments.

As for future municipal alliances, Navarro made it clear that Unidas Podemos aims to enter the city government to ensure a progressive mandate. She highlighted the need for coalition governments in light of the disappearance of majorities in the current political landscape. Regarding potential alliances with the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, Navarro stated that a leftist coalition is probable if the PSOE wishes to govern.

Navarro criticised the current government’s lack of transparency and poor promotion of participation with the opposition parties. She called for accessible and easy-to-find municipal data to promote transparency and emphasised her commitment to promoting the citizens’ participation in the political process.

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