Toyota España pone en marcha de nuevo ‘Proace Solidaria’ y recauda más de 1.250 raciones de comida para los más necesitados

Toyota Spain has launched the «Proace Solidaria» initiative, which involves filling the loading area of a Toyota Proace van with food donated by the company’s workers. This operation is the result of the partnership between Toyota Spain and the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), a non-governmental organisation that was established in 1996 with the aim of raising food for those in need. During a week, a unit of the Toyota Proace was exhibited in the showroom of Toyota’s headquarters in Spain to allow employees of the company to deposit non-perishable food in it. A total of 451 kilos of food were collected, which will provide 1,271 servings of food for the most needy. Additionally, Toyota Spain will donate €3,000 to help donate food to those in need. The initiative is part of Toyota Spain’s ESG (environment, social, governance) strategy to promote the integration of not only environmental but also social and good governance aspects. The aim of the initiative is to contribute to improving society by making it more inclusive and to raise awareness among employees and customers of the importance of helping those who rely on food banks. The Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL) is a non-governmental organisation that includes 54 food banks spread throughout Spain. Its main mission is to ensure that the most vulnerable people have free access to food. Its aid currently reaches more than 1.5 million people.

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