Smöoy alcanza un acuerdo con la Fundación Juegaterapia para apoyar la lucha contra el cáncer infantil

Smöoy, a franchise dedicated to the production and sale of frozen yogurt for more than ten years, has announced the signing of a collaboration agreement with the Juegaterapia Foundation aimed at supporting the fight against childhood cancer. Starting with this agreement, Smöoy will allocate part of the profits obtained from the sale of each 50cl bottle of water to the Solidarity Foundation against Childhood Cancer, whose work is focused on improving the quality of life of children with cancer using play as therapy so that «chemo playing flies by». For every sale of its 0.5L water bottles, Smöoy will donate part of its profit to the Juegaterapia Foundation and, given the large number of establishments it has throughout Spain, the company hopes to obtain a figure that will help Juegaterapia in support of its initiative.

«Smöoy is proud to be able to contribute to such a noble and necessary cause as this. We are very happy to be able to support the fight against childhood cancer through the Juegaterapia Foundation, and we hope that this collaboration, which is 100% in line with our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) objectives, will help improve the lives of many children and their families,» said Nuria Sirvent, founder and CEO of Smöoy.

The Juegaterapia Foundation, for its part, has shown its gratitude for Smöoy’s support, which will allow it to continue its work to improve the quality of life of children with cancer and their families.

On the part of Smöoy, this initiative has been driven by its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) department, highly interested for years in collaborating with NGOs and solidarity entities in actions aimed at achieving a more sustainable environment. Thus, Smöoy already became the first brand in the frozen yogurt sector to translate its menu into Braille, through the National Organization of the Blind of Spain (ONCE); it has sponsored sports events, including the Atlantic Rowing Crossing; or has signed an agreement, among others, which has made it a Friend of WWF (World Wildlife Fund) signing an agreement to promote the conservation of biodiversity.

With this same objective, the company maintains a constant effort to reduce the use of single-use plastic packaging within the company, removing all such packaging offered in its physical stores, as well as those designed for home delivery or take away.

Smöoy’s Awards and Recognition

The company’s innovative character and rapid development have been key to the evolution of Smöoy and the numerous recognitions it has received over its 10-year history.

The company was awarded in 2015 with the Spain Food Award for Restoration, the Spain Food Award for Entrepreneurs, awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and aimed at companies under 10 years old, for the application of innovative ideas.

Smöoy can also boast of being the only franchise to have reached the final stages of the National Marketing Awards, along with Iberia and Acciona, in the Latin America category and also has the Modern Restoration Award in the R&D category, obtained from the Association of Modern Restoration Chains (FERHCAREM), the Mercurio Award for Service Companies, the Honorable Mention of the Herentia Award 2015, granted by the Murcian Association of Family Businesses (Amefmur), the Award for the most international franchise, given by the newspaper El Economista together with the Spanish Franchisers Association (2016) and the one awarded to the General Director and one of the founders of the company, Nuria Martínez Sirvent, as Businesswoman of the Year (OMEP).

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