Irene Gómez Perdigón, a master baker from Los Gustos de Antes, has been proclaimed as the medieval Seguntine chef for 2023 at the XIV Contest of Medieval Spikes and Tapas in the town of Doncel held in Doña Blanca Hall of the Parador de Sigüenza. The chef will represent Sigüenza next autumn in Hondarribia, a town that will host the International Contest of the Red of Medieval Cities and Villages to which Següenza belong.
The contest was conducted by the popular journalist Goyo González and opened by the mayor of Sigüenza, María Jesús Merino and the councilman of tourism, José Antonio Arranz. The winning dish is called “Chusquero Seguntino,” made from a black wheat flour from Palazuelos, La Alcarria olive oil, Saelices salt, Burcol chickpeas from Guadalajara, La Orza honey, Sierra Ministra thyme, and Mondéjar wine.
The preparation is simple, with cheek meat cooked with onions, thyme, and wine. The chickpeas are boiled in water with olive oil, and the recipe is crowned with a crunchy, well-toasted bread base to ensure that the crust crunches in the mouth. The garnishes include hummus, whole chickpeas, honey, and thyme. The chef integrates sweet and salty flavors to remind people of the candidacy for World Heritage Status and the quality of their local products.
The judges were Jesús Velasco, chef of the Amparito Roca Restaurant, José Ramón Ruiz, secretary and director of content of the Club de Catas del Casino Amistad Numancia de Soria, and Ana Hernando, professor and department head in the specialty of Hospitality and Tourism at the CIFP La Merced de Soria, along with three audience members chosen by lottery. Other prizes were awarded to other participants who received diplomas for their participation in the contest.
Following the competition, the town of Sigüenza launches the Medieval Spike Route, where eight bars and restaurants participate, and an official brochure is provided for interested tourists to follow. All those who complete the route’s itinerary will be included in a lottery to win a one-night stay for two people in a Parador de Turismo.
In conclusion, Irene Gómez Perdigón will represent Sigüenza in Honduras for the International Contest of the Red of Medieval Cities and Villages after winning the XIV Contest of Medieval Spikes and Tapas in Doncel.