García Élez asegura que no comprometerá la llegada de empresas de alta tecnología a Talavera.

CCOO celebra que la creación de empleo en C-LM siga llegando también a los trabajadores de origen extranjero

Tita Garcia Élez, the PSOE candidate for the mayorship of Talavera de la Reina, has called for the attraction of high-tech companies to the city, stating that this strategy serves as «the consolidation of a model» aimed at transforming the City of Ceramics into a technological development hub. García Élez stressed that her candidacy not only supports this model but also considers it necessary to continue without any limitations. For this reason, she urged the public «to continue trusting us» by giving four more years of leadership to the Talavera Municipal Government. The candidate pointed out that the adoption of this model will not only have a positive impact on the economy and employment, but it will also make technology accessible to every citizen. She reiterated that it is essential to «decisively invest in a model that the Socialist Party, including myself as a candidate, not only defends but also thinks is essential.»

García Élez exemplified the change of this model with the recent confirmation of the implantation of Hiberus, a technological consulting firm in the city, with an offer of 30 new job positions. She announced that the company would be located at the Regional Innovation Center and that, as soon as they find adequate places, they would relocate from the center. Furthermore, she celebrated the progress of the refurbishment of the former El Prado School known to house the High Technology Hub linked to micro-enterprises and entrepreneurs. García Élez noted that it was one of the few centers of its kind in Spain, with Toledo province having the first of its kind. She also underlined the relevance of the ten projects to be implemented in the center, which are all related to the primary sector and aim to increase the profitability of agricultural and livestock farms.

On responding to the recent criticisms leveled at the deployment of firemen at the Ferias, José Julián Gregorio of the Partido Popular criticized the lack of a fire department inside the Ferias de San Isidro. García Élez explained that the absence was based on a technical criterion that intended to improve emergency response both inside and outside the compound. Moreover, she pointed out that the fire department was less than a two-minute walk away from the fairgrounds. She reiterated that Talavera’s collaboration with the Provincial Consortium for Fire Extinguishing and Rescue of Toledo not only improves the city’s safety but also provides more staff in case of emergencies.

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