El interiorista albaceteño Ricardo de la Torre presenta su nuevo diseño, ‘Salón campo manchego’, en Casa Décor, devolviendo a C-LM al evento.

CCOO celebra que la creación de empleo en C-LM siga llegando también a los trabajadores de origen extranjero

Casa Decor, the most important interior design fair in Spain, once again showcases the craftsmanship of Castilla-La Mancha with the «Salón campo manchego» designed by interior designer Ricardo de la Torre. The space features creations from nearly twenty artisans from the region and will be open for visits until May 28th, with an institutional event on May 8th.

The region’s institutional space once again highlights the work of artisans at Casa Decor, located this year in a building on Serrano Street in Madrid. At this year’s 58th edition of the interior design fair, Castilla-La Mancha’s craftsmanship features prominently through a contemporary design that evokes the countryside and uses all five senses to transport visitors to a manchego-style living room.

For this edition, de la Torre has collaborated with creations from nearly twenty artisans from Castilla-La Mancha. Among them are Gustavo del Pino and his ceramic tiles, Juan Carlos Fernández and his sculptures, Maria de los Ángeles de las Heras and her ceramics, Mondema Artesanos and their carpentry, Ilarcuris and their upholstered armchairs, Pedro Martin and his wooden chairs and tables, Conrado and his glasswork, José Luis Esteban and his ironwork, Esther Cordero and her embroidery, Sergio Rosa and his fabrics and curtains, Jesús Zarza and his wrought iron chairs, Yolanda Muñoz and her wickerwork, Juan Miguel Alía and his ceramics, Rosa Arenas of Temple Cerámica, Sillas Peñalver and their armchairs, Joaquín García and his leatherwork, and Rubén Navarro and his ceramics.

The idea behind the space is to transport visitors to the fields of Castilla-La Mancha through the reinterpretation of local materials and craft products. The creations showcased in the second floor space, designated P2-02 of Casa Decor this year, offer an immersive experience of the style and essence of Castilla-La Mancha’s countryside.

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