12 companies associated with the GAIA Cluster will participate as exhibitors in Be Digital 2023, showcasing their digital solutions to industrial organizations attending +Industry (Hall 1, Stand J38) from June 6th-8th at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre. The participants and the Cluster itself will present their digital transformation solutions in the Internet of Things (IoT Basque), Experiential Intelligence (EI Basque), and Cybersecurity (Cybasque). The companies exhibiting at the event include AuthUSB, Bizintek Innova, Devol, Donosti Frame, Mytra, Nexmachina Solutions, Nire Stream, PWC, Sarenet, Semantic Systems, Siemsa, and Ulma Embedded. In addition, GAIA has organized three sessions on experiences in digitization at Be Digital, targeting commercialization and people (June 6th), cybersecurity in the healthcare sector (June 7th), and smart factories (June 8th). These sessions aim to present good practices and real success stories with demonstrated experience implementing digital solutions in similar profiles. The sessions will run from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm in the Speaker Corner (next to the stand). The BeDIGITAL event, organized by AFM and Bilbao Exhibition Center, is supported by Diputación Foral de Bizkaia as an institutional partner, with the GAIA Cluster as a collaborating entity.