Comienzan las actividades de Emprendoroute, programa de fomento e incubación de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas en el ámbito rural, impulsado por Culturia, con la participación de doce proyectos innovadores, a platform for cultural and creative entrepreneurship in rural areas, promoted by Culturia and subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, has started the #Emprendoroute sessions, a program of educational actions for cultural and creative entrepreneurship in rural areas, which will last for two months. The #Emprendoroute call has received a great reception. More than a hundred excellent proposals have been received from all over the national territory, which develop their innovative activities and ideas in various areas of the creative and cultural sector. The 12 projects selected by the organizing team have been based on the Impact on local development, degree of innovation, differential value it brings, scalability of the proposal, and geographical distribution, providing extensive diversity and plurality in cultural entrepreneurship in rural areas. The objective of #EmprendoRoute is to promote the viability of participating projects from different areas, such as market analysis, big data, open innovation, design thinking, business model, financial planning and sources of financing, sales methodologies, identity and rural territory, communication plan, digital marketing, strategic alliances, and pitching techniques. The participants receive exclusive and specific training for the development and practical application of their proposal through the #Emprendoroute program, as well as mentoring with specialized professionals, assistance at networking events, coordinator support, and support through the platform, with certification of the platform’s business model.

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