Coinstar España continúa su expansión gracias a nuevos acuerdos con Spar y Eroski

Coinstar Spain, the multinational that provides coin counting and cash management solutions, has increased its presence in hypermarkets, supermarkets, and cash & carry establishments across the country, thanks to new partners and the installation of more kiosks in stores with established partners. Recently, six new machines were installed in Spar stores in Murcia and Alicante belonging to Grupo Upper, marking the presence of the first Coinstar kiosks in the stores of this multinational chain in Spain.

As a result of these installations in Spar, Coinstar now has 17 kiosks in Murcia and 28 in Alicante in partner establishments such as Musgrave, Carrefour, or E.Leclerc. The company’s presence is growing in all formats of retail food across the country. It has recently expanded its collaboration with Grupo Eroski and is already available in 108 of the chain’s establishments, consolidating its presence in the Basque Country, Pamplona and the rest of Navarra. Coinstar is also growing in Caprabo stores (part of Grupo Eroski) in Catalonia and has kiosks in all the provinces of Spain.

According to reports, there are about 1.8 billion euros in low-denomination coins lying unused in Spain. In such an uncertain economic situation, Coinstar offers an innovative turnkey business model that recovers the immobilised money from consumers, transforms it into cash, and channels it towards the establishments that have its machines. Coinstar has become a valuable partner to retailers, generating more than 50.5 million euros in revenue for their national partners in 2022 alone, and its kiosks channel an average of 120,000 euros per year.

Coinstar’s solution helps consumers make the most of their purchasing power while also benefiting retailers directly. More than three million people already use Coinstar in Spain, and they visit their trusted supermarket or hypermarket to use the kiosk and make their purchase in the same establishment. Anyone can easily cash in their loose change for coupons and use them to buy essential items, luxury products, or other desired items.

Coinstar is the first multinational to provide a comfortable and secure coin counting and cash management solution, which is trusted by over 70 million users worldwide.

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