Toledo instalará minidepuradoras para resolver los vertidos de uso doméstico en el Tajo

Primero Toledo pondrá en marcha minidepuradoras para acabar con los vertidos de uso doméstico al Tajo

Primero Toledo’s candidate for mayor of Toledo, Julio Comendador, has denounced that the waters of the Tagus River «are more polluted when leaving the Toledo area than when entering it,» due to the absence of adequate treatment facilities and the discharge of gray water, or domestic wastewater, at various points along the river as it passes through the city, «even though the municipal government tries to conceal it.»

Therefore, he has advocated for «the implementation of mini-treatment plants.»

Comendador, who has reportedly attended the Tuesday market accompanied by the head of Innovation and Toledo Verde, José Luis Serrano, has emphasized that the diagnosis of poor water quality in the Tagus is supported by data from the Saica network meters of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

«These measurements indicate that the Toledo City Council is not fulfilling its obligation to treat the water, and further demonstrate a lack of foresight with the chemical discharges from the University Hospital and the organic discharges that go directly into the Tagus, as we have been able to verify,» he added.

For his part, José Luis Serrano has pointed out that the level of water treatment in Toledo has not evolved as it would have been necessary. «And now even more so, because it hosts a hospital upstream with discharges equivalent to those produced by a town of 5,000 inhabitants.»

«The Tagus and its entire valley require a reconversion plan, which provides an opportunity for a river that suffers from direct organic discharges, stemming from domestic wastewater, in the historic district and in the cigar factories. We have an obligation to treat it, and we cannot demand from others what we do not do ourselves,» Serrano explained.

Therefore, he has advocated for «the implementation of mini-treatment plants,» in addition to «seizing the opportunity to become specialists in the reuse of water for our own benefit, for example for irrigation or for washing the historic district, which is now being done with potable water during a severe drought.»

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