Rodríguez confía en la unión de moderados y progresistas para recuperar los 3 puntos perdidos por el PSOE ante el PP

Rodríguez confía en la movilización de moderados y progresistas para "revertir los 3 puntos" que PP sacó a PSOE

Isabel Rodríguez, the lead candidate for Congress in Ciudad Real and Spokesperson for the Government and Minister of Territorial Policy, has expressed confidence in the mobilization of Spanish society to «revert the three points» that separated the PP from the PSOE in the past regional and municipal elections. Specifically, she has trusted in the mobilization of «people from the progressive and centrist sphere, people who believe in this country», she asserted at a press conference in the capital alongside the other members of the congressional and senatorial candidates for the province.

«Three points is nothing. And I believe that if we make an effort to mobilize, like on other occasions when it has happened in this country, Spanish society is a society that for the most part wants to progress, that mainly supports the actions of this government,» said the socialist minister.

Thus, she presented the socialist candidates for Congress and the Senate for the province of Ciudad Real, «prepared for the July 23 elections to highlight the positive reflection that the PSOE’s management of the government of Spain has had in the lives of the citizens of the province».

Rodríguez insists that the upcoming elections are very important for Spain and Ciudad Real, and that it is time to talk about all the measures implemented by the government of Spain that have had an impact on the province, such as labor reform. «We have gone from precariousness to decent work, to having a Social Security system in which 16,000 more people in the province are registered, to achieving a 450% increase in contracts and a 345 euro increase for the lowest salaries. Only that would warrant a legislature».

She also highlighted the pension reform for 100,000 pensioners in Ciudad Real, who on average have increased their pension by 250 euros per month, and emphasized the government’s ability to manage the economy more fairly. «We have restored the commitment to renewable energies, Spain is leading sustainable industrial policy, and we have not abandoned sectors such as primary industries, as it is the first time that direct aid is being provided to the sector beyond the CAP».

She stressed that «the only proposal from the Popular Party is to repeal, which is equivalent to regression», and therefore she asks Feijóo to explain what his economic policy will be, because the PSOE is already working to consolidate the economy that benefits the majority, «which allows for wage increases while creating employment, which allows for addressing the crisis by containing inflation, and we want to know if the PP wants to again lower wages, freeze pensions or close industries. With Rajoy and Cospedal, that is what happened in this region, and we call for it to be combated at the polls».

Isabel Rodríguez wants the campaign to be full of debates and proposals of ideas, developed closely with the territory, alongside all collectives and conveying the message of national politics that reverberates in everyone’s homes.

She wishes for «a clean campaign, in which we talk about our province and the things that interest people, contrary to the campaign of insult and aggression that the PP has carried out in these last regional and municipal elections».

To this end, the Socialist Party of the province of Ciudad Real has put together «the best team, with extensive management experience in the municipal sphere and young impetus to respond to the needs of the province», Rodríguez stated.

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