«No queremos perder este medio de comunicación»: Arrimadas (CS) apoya la recuperación del tren convencional en Cuenca

Arrimadas (CS) defiende la recuperación del tren convencional en Cuenca: "No queremos perder este hilo conductor"

Inés Arrimadas, leader of Ciudadanos in the Congress of Deputies, has supported Cristina Fuentes, candidate for the Alcaldía of Cuenca, in the central campaign event of the party in the city. During the event, Arrimadas highlighted the importance of conventional railways, stating that «we do not want to lose the train that has been a connecting thread within the province”. She also affirmed that Ciudadanos will take action in Congress to recover the railway line, highlighting the hypocrisy of politicians who claim to care about depopulation whilst simultaneously removing basic infrastructure.

Arrimadas argued that «it cannot be that the entire population of Spain concentrates in a few places», emphasising that this approach is neither socially intelligent, nor economically or environmentally sustainable. She further lamented the lack of opportunities, connections, and services in many municipalities, which prevents people from staying and building a life in their own communities.

In addition to her political platform, Arrimadas praised Fuentes for her work over the past four years and relayed the party’s message that Cuenca must «stop being doubly forgotten» by the government of Castilla-La Mancha and by the national government. Finally, Arrimadas urged citizens to vote for Ciudadanos, as it is the party that best represents equality of opportunity for all.

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