El presidente de la Diputación introduce a los estudiantes del CEIP Félix Grande de Tomelloso en las funciones institucionales

En una jornada educativa e informativa, más de 40 estudiantes de Educación Primaria del CEIP Félix Grande, ubicado en Tomelloso, han visitado el palacio de la Diputación Provincial, donde han sido recibidos por el presidente, Miguel Ángel Valverde, y la vicepresidenta Sonia González. La visita tuvo como objetivo principal brindar a los jóvenes estudiantes una comprensión más profunda del papel que desempeña la Diputación y la manera en que afecta a la vida de los habitantes de la provincia.

Durante el encuentro, el presidente Valverde fue el encargado de guiar a los estudiantes a través de los entresijos de la administración provincial, explicando en detalle su estructura, composición y la labor que realiza, en especial, para los pueblos más pequeños y con menos recursos. Emphasizing the values of equity and social justice, he underlined the mission of the institution to ensure fair distribution of services and assistance regardless of the size of the municipalities.

Valverde went on to describe how the policies developed and approved by the government team and the Plenary Assembly have a direct impact on local communities and their residents. He underscored the institution’s commitment to focusing on smaller villages while also extending its reach to the larger ones within the province.

As part of their visit, the students were given a tour of the Provincial Palace, allowing them to appreciate the heritage and historical significance of the Diputación’s headquarters. The president also took this opportunity to discuss ways in which the institution stimulates the local life by providing social, athletic, economic, and cultural aids that foster community development.

The event was also interactive, as Valverde engaged with the students, asking about their hometowns and individual interests, giving them a chance to express their thoughts and inquiries.

Before concluding the visit, the students and their teachers had the opportunity to discuss various educational initiatives that the Diputación is currently undertaking. These initiatives serve as a direct link between the institution and the educational sector, highlighting the significance of continuous engagement with the youth in matters pertaining to local governance and community well-being.

The visit not only served as an educational experience for the students but also as a reinforcement of the Diputación’s commitment to transparency, education, and the promotion of participatory governance among the younger generation.

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