CS Cuenca busca ser «decisivo» reorganizando el control interno del Ayuntamiento y mejorando las comunicaciones.

Reorganizar control interno de Ayuntamiento y mejorar comunicaciones, objetivos de CS Cuenca, que buscan ser "decisivos"

Cristina Elena Cifuentes, candidate for the mayorship of Cuenca with Ciudadanos, considers several measures essential for the upcoming legislative period. These measures include reorganizing the internal control of the municipality, increasing safety and cleanliness throughout the city, and investing in communications to not miss the opportunity «to have a good train.» According to Cifuentes, the city has «been adrift because it exercises policies haphazardly,» something that her party will fight against in order to «be decisive, enter the government, and change the course of Cuenca.»

Cifuentes considers it necessary to reorganize the control of the city council, which is sometimes an insurmountable barrier for services to function, and to address the cleanliness of the entire city. She observes that it is very dirty, and does not meet the real needs of neighborhoods. Additionally, the candidate emphasizes the importance of investing in a good railroad that connects with the province, and which makes it easier for investors to take an interest in Cuenca.

Cifuentes thinks that Cuenca’s biggest problem during this legislative period has been losing its fundamental artery, the railroad. This has led to the city being disconnected from both the province and the entire country. Therefore, she will work towards trying to reverse this situation. In her opinion, Ciudadanos offers «freshness and change,» which is not just to change policies between the left and the right but to make them work towards the progress of the city.

She also mentions the importance of transparency and control, which has not occurred in the city council. According to her, the situation is lamentable and has resulted in a significant loss of opportunities. If Ciudadanos does not reach the required majority, the party will decide to join a team that implements and respects their program and policies. Cifuentes does not specify any color lines, as the only concern is that the policies are implemented.

In conclusion, Cristina Elena Cifuentes asserts that Ciudadanos is diametrically opposed to a pact that would allow Junta, Diputación, and Ayuntamiento to have the same political color. She insists that the political discussion within the municipality should be independent, avoiding interference from other institutions. Ciudadanos is willing to talk to all parties as long as it enriches and produces benefit and prosperity for the city.

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