Castilla-La Mancha lanza nuevo concurso permanente para funcionarios con 168 plazas disponibles en 2024

Castilla-La Mancha aprueba en 2024 un nuevo concurso permanente para funcionarios con la adjudicación de 168 plazas

El Diario Oficial de Castilla-La Mancha (DOCM) anunció la adjudicación de 168 plazas de funcionariado, kicking off the first of three planned allocations by the Consejería de Hacienda, Administraciones Públicas y Transformación Digital for the year 2024. This step is part of the community’s unique ongoing process aimed at filling roles within the general administration.

Following the assignment of 1,236 places in December, Castilla-La Mancha continues to offer this type of levy, ensuring the provision of all non-singularized job positions that are budgeted with career civil servant staff at the regional administration. Today’s publication marks the initial phase for this year.

The established permanent contest mirrors the existing system for labor staff within the Junta, ensuring regularity in the calls for applications and definitive filling of job positions. Furthermore, it contributes to both the professional advancement of employees and the balance between work and personal life.

Applications for the second allotment of 2024 are now open until April 30, with the result expected in the second half of July, as conveyed by a statement from the Junta. This opportunity is open to career civil servants from the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha who meet the requirements, as well as to civil servants from other public administrations eligible for open positions.

Submissions must be completed electronically through the Portal del Empleado (Employee Portal) of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, available at For civil servants from other public bodies, the application process also takes place online at the same address, but through the ‘Concurso Externos’ (External Contest) link.

The selection process will be handled by a balanced commission of men and women, including representatives from the Administration and unions within the Sectoral Table for General Administration Civil Servants. The evaluation will result in the proposal for the award of each position.

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