Alerta sobre un resurgimiento de ataques nazis en Talavera: Unidas por Talavera-Sumar insta al Ayuntamiento a tomar medidas

Imputan un delito contra la libertad sexual al detenido en Guadalajara tras ser denunciado por una mujer

Talavera-Sumar warns of a possible resurgence of neo-Nazi attacks in the city following a homophobic assault that took place in a well-known nightclub, which was followed by another incident on the night of last Friday to Saturday.

According to a press release from the party, the alleged attack was carried out by individuals who identified themselves as Nazis and threatened to stab a group of young people, «whom they immediately assaulted in the club’s restrooms, knocking them unconscious, and then repeatedly beating them on the ground, requiring hospital attention.»

Unidas por Talavera-Sumar first and foremost shows solidarity with the victims of these hate crimes, offering them social and legal support. They also emphasize the need to prevent similar incidents from happening again in their city.

«The image of Talavera and its leisure venues cannot be associated with this type of far-right violence, as has happened in the past, fueled by environments such as football ultras,» the party stated.

To that end, they demand that Mayor José Julián Gregorio ensure the safety of all individuals «without discriminating based on sexual orientation or ideology, so that they can see and feel free from these unacceptable threats.»

«It is his duty to investigate what has happened and hold the establishments where these incidents have occurred, as well as their security services, accountable, regardless of the legal action taken by the victims,» they argue.

Meanwhile, Unidas por Talavera-Sumar will stand for peaceful coexistence and oppose violence and its impunity by all means necessary.

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